Email and Postal Addresses

Email Address

We have put in a great deal of thought into the development of the PreMedical and PreDental Advising Office website, and have used our past experience to include information that students frequently request. Before reaching out by email, phone, or making an appointment, please check the office website FIRST – you may find that we have already provided an answer to your question!

For questions which are not answered on the website, current UMBC students and UMBC alumni can email their questions to us at

Current UMBC students should include their Campus ID, declared major, career interest area (pre-medical, pre-dental, etc.), and expected graduation date along with their advising questions. UMBC Alumni should include the month and year of their UMBC graduation and degree, and career interest area (pre-medical, pre-dental, etc.) along with their advising questions.

Students with questions about courses in their declared major and/or UMBC graduation requirements should contact their Departmental Advisor. Students who have recently declared or added a major can find contact information for Departmental Advising here.

Mailing Address

Although the PreMedical and PreDental Advising Office is located in the Meyerhoff Chemistry Building (MEYR 140), we receive our mail in the Dean’s Office for the College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences. If you would like to send mail to our office, please choose your mailing location below.

HPEC Cohort Members may be given explicit instructions about mailing items to our office. Please follow those instructions carefully, as failure to do so can lead to penalties that affect your standing in the Cohort.

PreMedical and PreDental Advising, CNMS Dean’s Office, UC 116

The PreMedical & PreDental Advising Office
University of Maryland Baltimore County
University Center 116
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, MD  21250