GPA Calculators

Most professional schools include in their GPA calculations all grades in all course attempts (meaning, all repeated course grades count) that a student has taken at every college or university where they have earned credits (including dual enrollment credits earned during high school). Health professional programs also typically separate out Science coursework (sometimes including mathematics) and calculate another GPA based only on those courses.

Because UMBC uses only grades in UMBC coursework (and only the best grade for a repeated course) in UMBC GPA calculations, for many students their UMBC-calculated GPA will be different from the GPA that will be calculated during the professional school application process.

To give students better awareness of their comprehensive GPA, the PreMedical and PreDental Advising Office has developed a Comprehensive GPA Calculator spreadsheet that students can download to use for their own calculations. Please follow the directions on the “Instructions” tab in the spreadsheet to make a copy for your own use. The Instructions tab also includes more information about which courses should be marked as “Science” for GPA calculation, according to the type of Health Profession program that the student is pursuing.

Online Cumulative GPA Calculators (which can be used as Science-only Calculators, too): (has a Print option, or instead of printing, you can opt to Save as a PDF)

College GPA Calculator (similar to the Chegg calculator, but allows break out individual semesters, and has additional tools to help understand what grades you need to improve your GPA)

Iowa State University (allows you to calculate the GPA for a subset of the courses entered into the calculator)

Miami University (includes a tool to help you understand how many credits it will take to raise your GPA)

University of Wisconsin-Madison (a hybrid of the Chegg and College GPA Calculator functionality)